Yesterday I purchased a Ninja Power Blender for shakes. Upon opening the package and making my first shake, I could tell the manufacturer understands the meaning of Customer W.O.W. The 3-step assembly and instructions was simple. It worked like a charm and it’s super convenient. Unscrew the blades and put on the drink cup top. And just so you don’t have to clean it right away, there was a 2nd cup/top in the box so I could just throw the 1st one in the dishwasher. So what made this a W.O.W.? Because it was built with the customer in mind and it was EASY. Customers love EASY. Companies who get that are sure to be successful. For example, If I want to buy something from Amazon all I do is “select, pay, done”. If I know what I want, I can find it and make a purchase in under a minute. It’s that easy and probably the reason I keep using them.
Customers notice when transactions, assembly or other aspects of their product/service interface are quick and easy. They value the fact that the company respects their time and tries to simplify their life. As for my Ninja, it not only brought “power to my kitchen” (their tag line) it brought some W.O.W. with it.