How to Build a Culture of Customer W.O.W.

W.O.W. Workshops are a great way to introduce employees to the concepts of Customer W.O.W. The next question I usually get is “What does it take to engrain Customer W.O.W. behaviors in everyday activities?” Building a culture of W.O.W. is a five-step process that requires vision, commitment and passion.

The Formula: Training/Workshop/Learning is 25%; Application/Translation of concepts and methods into everyday tasks is 25%; Practice and Consistency is 50%. Below is a high-level outline of the 5-step process.

  1. Introduce Basics of Customer W.O.W (Workshop/Training Session)
  • Define Why Customer Experience Matters
  • Introduce Elements and Application of Customer W.O.W.
  • Connect every employee to the Customer Experience
  • Brainstorm What W.O.W. Looks Like/Feels Like for Your Business

2.  Define Goal(s):

  • Focus on Creating a W.O.W. Customer Experience
  • Establish a Line-of-Site that Connects Every Employee to the Goal
  • Monitor Progress, Share Results and Celebrate Successes

 3.    Build W.O.W. into Everyday Activities

  • Seek Employee Input / Act on Information
  • Include Customer W.O.W. in Weekly Huddles or Updates
  • Leaders Provide Daily Coaching /Identify Opportunities to W.O.W.
  • Leaders Provide Continuous Reinforcement of W.O.W. Behaviors (Recognition and Celebrations)

 4.    Continuous Learning and Improvement

  • Weekly W.O.W. Moments Shared by Employees
  • Improve Processes / Solicit Suggestions / Voice of the Employee
  • Sharing Customer Feedback with Employees (Plus and Minus)
  • Job Shadowing / Help Employees Understand How their Role Impacts Other Team-Mates and Customers

 5.    Maintain Energy and Focus

  • Leaders Walk the Talk, Demonstrate Customer W.O.W. Focus through Daily Actions
  • Leaders Follow-up on Employee Input for Improving Customer Experience
  • Leaders Ask Employees how they are applying what they learned

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