I recently had dinner at a Chili’s in Connecticut. The service and food was great and I especially enjoyed the ‘easy exit’. At each table there is a small checkout kiosk so when you are done with your meal and ready to leave, just swipe your card to pay and go. Great use of technology. It’s easy to use, you don’t have to hand over your credit card to anyone and it saves the restaurant money. Now that’s technology built with the customer in mind. In contrast, I recently attended a community function where I had to park in a public parking deck. Signs in the deck advised me that I was required to pay at a kiosk before I could exit. Unfortunately the kiosks were not conveniently located and surprise, they only accepted credit cards. After walking two flights to locate the kiosk, I paid for parking, got my receipt, returned to my car and drove to the exit where I waited in a line for the parking attendant to take my receipt. Really? Technology is great when it’s built with the customer in mind. If you don’t make it easy for your customer you might find that the next time they exit your business might be their last time.